Quick Pics from January

This post features pictures from most of January.
The boys had fun using their shaving stuff that they got from Christmas.
Too cute!
Cozy morning at the Zavorals. We like wearing pajamas all day long.
So happy when Daddy comes home!
Climbing to the mailbox in the winter is fun! This was a very mild winter compared to others we’ve experienced here.
Passing the time on a very cold day.
Playgroup at the church. We rode bikes to burn off some winter steam.
Rough housing with Daddy one evening.
Dallin somehow took a picture of his foot before church.
We were very sad to hear that our friends the Hansons were moving. We were able to get in one last play date before they had to leave with short notice.
Scary faces
Sad faces
Rough hugs
Best buds!
Here’s another beautiful dump of snow! 
I can’t remember if this was the 8 inch storm or the 11 inch storm. Either way, it was really beautiful and fun to play in. Again, we were lucky this winter to have mild weather. There were lots of warm days like this where the boys could play in the snow. (“warm” meaning above 0 degrees, and some days as warm as 35 degrees!!)
Eating the fresh fallen snow!
 After playing outside, they got warm by the fire. Aww.
 We went sledding at Knobb Hill right around the loop by our house. Our sled broke after about 3 runs. But we still had a fun 15 minutes out in the snow.
Dallin’s eyes are so shiny blue in the snow. I wish my camera could capture it.
Three deer spent all night and morning in our grove of trees. Can you see all 3 of them?