Enjoying Summer

The dust finally settled a little bit from our big move and travels, and things started to feel like it was really summer break for us in San Diego. These are pictures from mid-July to mid-August.
We did yoga regularly.
This is what the screen looks like while doing our peace-out meditations.
The boys got to look at baseball cards as long as they want.
Jeremy went AX throwing for a team-building activity at work.
We tried out another summer school lunch. Meh.
They got to start playing with toys that we got unpacked in their room. Excited for it to look like their own room!
Going to the movies as a family downtown was fun. Jeremy had a ton of free movie tickets that he had accumulated. Fun to live close to a nice theatre and finally use the tickets. 
Walking around the city has been intersting. There are scooters and bikes for rent all over the place! We live really close to downtown. A big change from our home in Austin (and different from any other place we have lived in our married lives).
I was able to see Jeremy’s office for the first time. He has a really awesome view! His office building is a historic building that used to be a candy factory. It sits inside the Petco baseball park.
His office space is pretty hip and fun.
Basketball games were every Saturday morning during the summer and beginning of fall.
Dallin is the far left in green jersey.
Tanner is catching the ball in a white jersey.
There were lots of open houses in north park and south park on the weekends. We made it a routine to stop by a couple every Sunday on our way home from church because sometimes, there would be free food.
Beach Day!! One of our first beaches that we went to in San Diego was Wind and Sea beach in La Jolla. It was such a beautiful day. This was the trip that Tanner and Dallin learned how to boogie board! We also brought our garden shovel, which made digging holes much more efficient and fun.
Here is a Sunday afternoon marbel track creation. Jeremy and both boys worked on it together. It was pretty epic.
Tanner made this for Jeremy’s office.
We enjoyed a double date to a Padres game with Grandpa Davidson and Grandma Sharon. We learned that Sharon knows a lot about baseball!
(The boys were at Zoo camp!)
We all had dinner together at our home. Dallin and Tanner were very excited to see our guests!
Tanner made place settings and name assignments for the grandparents so they would know where to sit.
One day, I went to the temple all by myself while Jeremy was at work and the boys were at Zoo camp. It was really awesome.
Basketball practice. Seeing improvement!!
Jeremy and I took turns taking the boys to practice, which occurred during dinner time twice a week. While Dallin had practice, I ate dinner with Tanner. While Tanner had practice, I ate dinner with Dallin. We would bring sack dinners or get fast food somewhere. The YMCA has nice outdoor seating, so we enjoyed our dinners with the sunset. One evening, Dallin’s eyes looked so beautiful during the alpen glow sunset, I had to try capturing it on camera. But none of my pictures give it justice.
We did lots of reading in our new library!
Jeremy got some artwork hung in his office space.
The boys started playing with a neighbor friend. One day they decided to dig a big hole near the basketball court.
Jeremy brought Greek food home with him and we ate it while we watched the boys play. I LOVE Greek food.
Jeremy’s legs went through some gruel training with the steep hills here in San Diego on his way to and from work. He almost bought an electric bike because the hills are pretty brutal. But I told him he’s already done 2 months of riding on the tough hills, so the worst is over. I’m so proud of him for toughing it out! He never bought an electric bike and still rides every day. He is even more buff than before!
Another basketball game for the boys! They were every Sat morning. It was really fun to see the boys use their skills from practice during their games. But it was really hard for me to sit for 2 hours to watch it all because of my sciatic issues. So this particular Saturday, I took Tanner to Home Depot for their free kid project while Jeremy watched Dallin’s game, then I switched and took Dallin to Home Depot while Jeremy watched Tanner’s game. It was great to have some more meaningful one on one time with my kids this way.
My cousins Shauna and Amanda live in San Diego, so after our basketball games, we met up with them in Old San Diego for a yummy Mexican lunch. We are so glad to be living near them!! 
We took the boys to the Mormon Batallion for the first time and they loved it. Tanner ended up being the volunteer to wear all the soldier’s gear.
They loved panning for gold.
And playing laundry and brick making.
Dallin got wet, so he put on one of the aprons they had. It was just way too cute!
We explored the nature trails in our neighborhood.
I took the boys to a famous restaurant called the Big Kitchen in South Park. Whoopi Goldberg used to work there as a server. It was a cozy place with lots of character. You might notice a unique photo behind Dallin. 😮 Tanner ate an adult size breakfast of french toast. I can’t believe how much he can scarf down in the mornings!
I helped the boys paint their rockets on our front porch. We built them together at Home Depot and now had a chance to paint them. They turned out really cute! The weather was gorgeous. Definitely love how it never got too hot or too infested with mosquitos to play outside during the summer. 
Jeremy flew to Alaska for a work trip. He saw the annual salmon run and how Bumble Bee suppliers harvest and can the salmon. He was only gone for 3.5 days, but he got to see a lot of beautiful places and learned a lot. A large part of his time was spent on little airplanes, going from island to island.
Jeremy got to see every step of the harvest at work. The fishing boats catch the salmon right at the mouth of the rivers, following regulations on where they fish and how much they catch, and what window of time they fish. They clean, cut and fillet the salmon in small facilities right at the bank of the rivers. Even today, the work is mostly all done by hand. Amazing to learn about!

Jeremy stayed at this beautiful cabin with a group of coworkers. He also enjoyed some scenic nature walks on his own around the area.
All the black blobs in the water are salmon swimming upstream!
This road sign says: Caution, Look up, Airplanes landing! It’s typical in Alaska for the main road in each town to also act as the runway for planes, and plane is the only way in or out of the town.
Back at home, we had fun eating ice cream sandwiches and goofing around.
I took the boys to Mission Bay to see what the beaches were like there. It is only 20 minutes from our house. The boys had fun swimming around because it was a lot like a lake. We played catch and Three Flies Up with the tennis ball that I threw to them. They also swam out to a little island patch of dirt on their boogie boards and felt very proud of themselves!
We had our very first play date with the boys’ very first friends here is San Diego. It was super fun! The boys met their friends at the YMCA through basketball. Tanner’s friend is on his same team, and his little brother is on Dallin’s team. They had SO much fun playing together in our neighborhood pool.
Jeremy got a terrible kink in his neck and couldn’t move his neck for a few days. Poor guy.
I played GO Fish with Tanner while my hips were not feeling well. We had fun.
We had our first play date with a friend from church. It was so great to be making a few friends. We met at a neat playground on the North West corner of Balboa Park.
Throwing a ball through a hula hoop!
Later that day, I took the boys to the zoo. They had just finished Zoo Camp the week prior, and it was amazing. The teachers and camp counselors were excellent with the students, and they had real currciulum with well designed lessons and activities. The boys got to see a special show every day, meet the zoo keepers, and play games with their camp groups, etc. So for this zoo visit, they had lots of things to show me! Dallin knew the names of different monkeys and who was the monkey leader. Tanner knew his way around the zoo really well. Different areas that we went to sparked different stories for them to tell me from their camp experiences. So fun!! 
We also found this cool walking belt that gets people up a steep hill. None of us had been on it before, and it was really neat. This zoo is huge. We only see a small portion of it with each visit. Having season passes was one of the best purchases ever.