A little of this, A little of that

This photo journal shows most of our September. My captions are done with four words or less! 
Auntie Desha came!
Zoo with boys, Desha and Craig.
Desha LOVES zoos.
Tanner and me, his mommy.
Gift from Dallin:
Deer Dad, I luve you. I hope you like this rock. Frum: Dallin oxox
We tried Fling Golf!
Free lessons were helpful.
Our group: SarahLynn, Jeremy, Tanner, Dallin, Desha, Criag, and Collin
We caught on quickly!
It was way more fun than normal golf.
Last basketball game for Tanner! Thank you, Coach!!
Tanner’s favorite team member!!
Last basketball game for Dallin! Thank you, Coach!
Medieval training hosted by Craig and Collin.
Nature hike with Jeremy.
Yes, Dallin fell in!
Sunset Cliffs was beautiful.
We found this sign after scaling the cliffs.
Desha waiting to descend.
Desha Left, SarahLynn Right.
Tanner Left, Dallin Right
Lots of sea slugs!
Pretty formations on rocks.
Last night with Desha.
Jeremy’s team, city league.
They won the championship!!
Beach trash clean up.
Recording what we pick up.
Dishwasher chore for the win!
Off to church!
Making tortillas with friends.
Another trip to the zoo! 
(Saw a section I’d never seen)
They loved the waterfall!
Tanner found the crocodile.
My beautiful sleeping boys.