Tanner chose to follow our Savior’s example by being baptized and becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! His baptism and confirmation took place on Saturday, Sept 7, 2019. He was beaming during the entire event, glowing more than I’ve ever seen him glow. It is one of the most precious days we have experienced as his parents.
Growing up in the Gospel
We did our best over the years to help Tanner understand and love the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a toddler, he loved praying and singing church songs–even before he could speak–and he still loves praying and singing today. We can remember how at the age of 2 and 3, he played the piano and shouted his own tunes and lyrics: “Lord, O Lord we love you! La La, Father. La, La, God! And Jesus!” There were also the many times he made church pulpits out of pillows so that he could lead pretend Sunday school and music for us at home.
Tanner has also enjoyed memorizing scripture verses and scripture stories over the years. He loves knowing unique details to the stories and will interject during our lessons to add “Did you know?” with a fun scripture fact. He began sharing his thoughts about deep doctrine at age four and continues to share his complex thoughts and questions about God, the Atonement and eternity.
Making the Decision
He had been counting down the years and months to the time he would turn eight, which is the earliest age someone can be baptized in our church. When eight finally came, he had to wait a few more months while we moved and got settled in our new home. As the time drew near to finally get baptized, he said he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do it. He was concerned he might choke under the water, or that it would be scary, and he wondered if he is a good enough boy to get baptized?
We were really glad he was thinking so intently about everything! We reminded him that we are not making him get baptized, it’s his decision and he doesn’t have to do it if he isn’t ready. We also talked about how the point of baptism is that we are not good enough! All of us fall short, even when we are trying our best. That’s why we need the Savior’s grace and atoning power. Tanner kept asking if God really takes away our sins. He loved getting assurance that He does. Tanner got nervous making future sins after his baptism, and he said he’ll need to get baptized more than once! We reminded him that’s what the sacrament is for! Every week, taking the sacrament gives us the gift of forgiveness just like when we were baptized, so he can get his sins washed away every week as he repents and takes the sacrament. He thought that was a good idea. He said really wants to have his sins washed away and to be able to go to heaven, so even if the water is a little scary, he will get baptized.
Walking on the Temple Grounds
As part of our preparations, I took Tanner to the San Diego temple. Even though the temple is not where we get baptized and even though Tanner isn’t old enough to go inside the temple yet, I wanted Tanner to experience the special Spirit at the temple so he can look forward to going there someday. While we were there, I reminded him that the temple is a place for church members to learn more about God, families and eternal life. I tried helping Tanner understand that being baptized will help prepare him to go inside the temple when he is older. He was so excited to walk around the temple grounds and imagine what it will be like when he can enter the temple.
It was obvious that Tanner was feeling the Holy Ghost because he was so incredibly happy while we were there–beaming from ear to ear, saying he was so excited to get baptized, asking questions about Jesus and Heavenly Father, giving lots of hugs, jumping and dancing. It was really easy to take a hundred pictures of him! I used some of them for his baptism announcement and on display at the baptism service. Here is most of the photo shoot. Some pictures look the same, but each picture is slightly different and I included all of them for special reasons.
Dallin patiently waited during our photo shoot. Finally, he asked, “When can we get a picture of ME in front of the temple?!” I was so glad to hear he wanted some pictures, too! My phone was almost dead, but I managed to get a couple of him!
The boys said they think this tree could represent the Tree of Life.
Tanner and Jeremy had a special interview with the bishop to make sure Tanner is ready for baptism. Then, we made this digital invitation, which was sent to everyone in the ward congregation.
Planning the Baptism Program
Tanner spent a lot of time thinking about the program for his baptism. He had lots of ideas for the ceremony (in addition to my ideas), and we had to remind ourselves that it can’t go on for hours and hours, haha.
Part of the difficulty in planning the program was that we weren’t in Minnesota anymore, so things that we had thought of before had to be scrapped. I was especially struggling with this. While we had been making some new friends here in San Diego that could attend the baptism, it just wasn’t the same as having friends, classmates, church members, school teachers and neighbors that my son has known for most of his life attend the baptism. It took me awhile to accept this, and in the process I mourned everything about our move all over again.
Eventually, with the bishop’s help, we came to a program plan that everyone felt good about. We typed it up in a template that I had made for a few other baptisms of friends in Minnesota. It turned out so beautiful.
Inside the program, we included Tanner’s testimony for people to read. I used a lesson from the Come Follow Me curriculum to help Tanner think about his faith in Christ and what he believes. He told me what to type. He also reread it several times to make sure every word was the way he wanted it.
Tanner’s Testimony, Sept 2019
I know that Heavenly Father is my father that’s in heaven. I believe that when I get baptized that God literally forgets about my sins. I know that Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s son. And he died for us so that we can be resurrected. He helps all the people. I believe that Jesus loves me.
Joseph Smith brought back the church of Jesus Christ. He went to a sacred grove and prayed and Jesus and God came to down to him. I believe that the scriptures are true. They were written by prophets on gold and other special pieces of paper and then they got translated into languages people speak now. And it was put into cool books called the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible.
I’m grateful that the Mormon pioneers traveled all the way to Salt Lake City because they built the temple. And Salt Lake City is where we have general conference. I like this because temples make our family together forever and help us get back to heaven.
I know Russle M Nelson is the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that if I follow the prophet, God will appreciate me. I want to be baptized so I can go to heaven. I bear my testimony that these things are true. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
We wanted to include a song about the Holy Ghost, but the ones I suggested weren’t familiar to Tanner. I then mentioned that “Teach me to walk in the light” was sort of about the Holy Ghost, because we are taught by him, but none of the verses actually mention the word “Spirit” or “Holy Ghost.” So Tanner got the idea to write a new verse all about it. I helped him a little bit, but most of the lyrics were created by Tanner on his own. We included his new 4th verse in the back of the program and everyone sang it before his confirmation and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
New lyrics to Teach Me To Walk in the Light. By Tanner
Teach me to know how the Holy Ghost speaks
So I can listen each day of the week.
The Spirit comforts me, peaceful and bright.
Safely, Safely, I’ll walk in the Light.
The Baptism & Confirmation Day
The big day finally arrived!!! Our family of four got to the church building an hour early to set things up and help Tanner get changed. He came out of the dressing room bursting with excitement. The water was being filled in the font, and Tanner watched with amazement. “Look at the water! Look at my white clothes! Look at my bare feet. It’s really happening! I’m getting baptized today! I’m getting BAPTIZED.” He jumped up and down and gave tight bear hugs to me, Jeremy and Dallin. He commented again on how funny it was that he got to be barefoot and then ran around the room and hallways shouting, “I’m getting baptized!! I’m getting baptized!!” Dallin followed him and giggled the whole time.
Our sweet son, right before his baptism and confirmation, excited to make a sacred promise that he will do his best to follow Jesus Christ. So much adorableness and SO MUCH JOY!!!
Jeremy holds the priesthood, so he was able to baptize our son. Tanner was smiling ear to ear when he stepped into the water. He went completely under the water perfectly, it happened so quick. After they got out of the water and into the dressing room, Tanner whispered, “Dad, I’m so happy, I’m crying tears of joy.” Jeremy whispered, “That is awesome. You are feeling the Holy Ghost. I am so happy, too!” Then Tanner whispered back, “Why are we whispering?” Jeremy replied with a whisper, “I don’t know.” And they both giggled a bunch. Jeremy also performed the confirmation and gave Tanner a beautiful blessing.
All four of Tanner’s immediate grandparents were able to come!! He was thrilled.
During the program, Grandpa Zavoral gave the closing prayer. He also filled in as witness of the baptism for Uncle Matt, who was very, very sick. Grandma Zavoral gave a special talk about the covenants we make when we are baptized. She included pictures that all of Tanner’s cousins had drawn about trying to be like Jesus, and she used Kit Kats to help Tanner remember that he is promising to K-keep the commandments, A- always remember Jesus, and T- take Christ’s name upon himself. In return, God will forgive our sins and give us the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Tanner was wide-eyed and smiling during the entire talk. His favorite candy is Kit-Kats, so he was really excited about grandma including that in her talk.
Grandma Nana gave a beautiful opening prayer. Grandpa Papa played prelude music on the piano, filling in for Aunt Johanna who was taking care of Uncle Matt. Grandpa also gave a special talk about the Holy Ghost. He compared life to playing basketball, and described how the Holy Ghost, aka as the Spirit of God, is like a coach because he helps us know what to do to win the game of life. He is also similar to the referee because the Spirit helps us know when things are right and when they are wrong. Tanner was beaming during the entire talk. His favorite sport is basketball, so he loved how grandpa made this analogy.
Dallin also listened intently to the talks and program. Our family of four all sat in the front row together. He was really, really excited for Tanner.
Dallin was excited to be with all four of his grandparents, too. He is holding the picture he drew that was used in Grandma’s talk.
Right after Tanner was baptized and changed into dry clothes, Dallin Tanner and their cousins Brooke and Carly sang I’m Trying to be Like Jesus. It was so precious. I played the piano for the song and could feel the Spirit radiating from Tanner even though I was looking at the music. When he began the song with a solo, people were brought to tears, it was the sweetest thing. All four of the children sang beautifully. Here is a picture of them after the service.
We were also really blessed to have my twin cousins Shauna and Amanda and Amanda’s boyfriend attend the baptism.
My twin cousins with Tanner’s twin cousins!!
All who attended.
We served lunch afterword. Jeremy and I provided pizza and cake. Everyone brought salads to share. It was a great spread!
Tanner was so glad that his first church friend here in San Diego came to support him.
Tanner wanted to make sure he got a picture of just him and his little brother.
The After Party
After everything at the church, we all headed over to our house and swam in the community pool on our street. Tanner had a ton of fun with both grandpas, Uncle Steve and his cousins!!
We keep giggling about how our little nephew ate chips while he was in the hot tub, and didn’t seem to mind that his chips got sopping wet with pool water.
A BYU football game was taking place that afternoon. To keep the kids entertained, I set out some sensory activities in our little grassy area for the kids. The grandmas ended up doing most of the childcare. Thanks grandmas!!
We set up camp to watch the game!
During half time, we pressed pause and took a long break. We got the whole family to play basketball with Tanner, which was something he was really looking forward to. Well, it didn’t take more than a few minutes for Tanner to get very frustrated and overwhelmed with the game not being like real basketball. He didn’t want to play with easier rules for the little kids, he said the teams were unfair, the hoop wasn’t the right height, etc, etc. We tried to validate him and be patient and listen. But after several minutes of trying to work through it with him, and seeing that all he wanted to do was argue instead of compromise, we knew we couldn’t make everyone wait around any longer. We told Tanner he can join us when he’s ready and played without him. He wasn’t able to calm down for a long time and missed most of the fun. It was really hard, but not unusual, to see him have such a great high in the morning and then such a big low that afternoon.
We took over the street and had some neighbors join us. For dinner that night, we had Greek food brought to the house. Then, we set up the movie Sleeping Beauty for the kids in the library room (which was fun because Dallin had never seen it). Tanner joined the grown-ups to finish watching the BYU game and was able to end the day feeling better. Everyone went crazy during the last minutes of the game when we won!!!
Fun All Weekend
In addition to all the fun we had on Tanner’s baptism day, we got to spend the weekend with Katie and Steve’s family. They stayed in our home from Wednesday to Monday and helped us test the limits of what our new place can offer to our guests. The kids played lots and lots of fun things together in our house. Dallin and Tanner had fun playing with their only boy cousin on the Zavoral side, who had an obsession with our ninja turtle toys! It was just too adorable hearing him say “Can you pway Neeenja Toetoes wif me?” and “Dis guy has a wibit!” I kept telling him, well, I think only frogs say ribbit. Then I figured out he was saying “weapon”, haha!!
On a few of the nights with us, us four grown-ups had fun playing games and visiting together. Who knew that Steve was so good at Blokus!!
I enjoyed my baby niece, who scooted around the house!
We took the Garrett family around to see different beaches in our area. There was a heat wave that came through during the weekend, so it was a perfect time to enjoy the beach!!
At Torrey Pines beach, the highlight was boogie boarding. The Zavoral parents were there, too!! The water was perfect temperature and perfect waves for riding. At one point, I got out there and played Mermaid Power with the twins. The goal was to catch a wave all at the same time and ride it all the way in. If we could do that, then we got one level of mermaid power. Tanner and Dallin joined in a bit, too, and we all got up to 6 levels of mermaid power!!
Popcycles on our back patio.
Coronado Beach was beautiful. The Robertson grandparents were there, too. Jeremy joined us later after work. (The Zavoral grandparents went to visit Matt while he was sick.) The highlight of this beach visit was collecting shells and playing beach baseball. I made a mermaid out of things we found on the beach. There was lots of seaweed in the water that made it uncomfortable to boogie board in, but eventually the kids got brave enough to do it. We also saw some whales/dolphins spouting and flapping their fins nearby. They stuck around for a long time, which was cool.
At this cool hot dog place, I played an expression game with the kids while we waited for our food. I yelled out an emotion, and they had to show me the emotion with their faces.
In these last two pictures, they are trying to look angry. Quite the fail, and it cracks me up!!!
On Sunday, we all went to church, ate a picnic lunch at the church and then headed straight over to the Mormon Battalion in Old San Diego. Everyone had a really good time on the tour and activities!
We were so glad to have this great group of family with us throughout the weekend to enjoy and celebrate Tanner’s baptism and confirmation! This picture was a perfect way to end the weekend!!