November Photo Journal

November flew by quickly for our family.
 Church Primary Program, Sunday Nov 10, 2019.
 Tanner did a special  music number with 3 other boys and sang a solo. I played piano. Dallin got bored and didn’t sing for several of the songs, but did a super job on his speaking parts.
Building a lego basketball court.
Train tracks stuck together.
Station Tavern restaurant in South Park.
Yard sale hosted by Tanner, Dallin and Friend.
They started out strong, but only made one dollar, which was a donation. Tanner had lots of tears when it was time to go home.
Bedroom basketball.
Bike ride to 7-11.
Tanner is always busy with something!
New rug!
I went to DC all by myself to be with Tanya and my new niece!
Monday Nov 11 to Friday Nov 15, 2019. 
Couldn’t keep my eyes off of her!
Tanya is such a good mommy!! 
It was really neat (and a little wierd) to see someone that I helped welcome into the world now welcoming her own baby into the world. 
I helped make sure everyone was being fed, haha.
You can really tell how little she is in this shot.
It was so much fun to be with my sister and help her out! Her baby is so precious. We had fun learning the Dunstan baby language, experimenting with burping strategies, eating yummy home cooked meals, going on autumn walks, giving baby her first bath in the mommy bathtub, singing songs and giving baby lots and lots of snuggles. This was a trip I will treasure for a lifetime!
Tanner made a coded message.
San Diego Padres Pedal for Cancer, Sat Nov 16. Jeremy biked 50 miles and raised nearly $500. The path for his bike ride went over the huge Coronado bridge! We met up with him when his ride was over at the Padres Stadium. They had bands playing, yummy food and a kids zone. 
My husband is so hot! I love his ginger beard and white chest!
Sitting in the dug out!
The boys got to ride too. Dallin decided not to, but Tanner went for it! He said it was kind of boring.
We figured out a way to play drums in our townhome without distrubing the neighbors! The boys and I surprised Jeremy while he was on a business trip. We moved a bunch of furniture around so the drums could be played in the boys bedroom instead of the garage. The sound is much easier to contain! It felt so good to hear Jeremy play the drums again. It had been over 6 months of no drumming, and we were all suffering!!
We got the drums in place just in time for Brian Hill and his daughter to make a special visit! They stayed with us for 2 nights.
After church on Sunday, the Hills took us to Balboa Park. First we watched the organist for a few minutes. 
Then, Brian showed us the world villgae of homes. It is a group of tiny homes, and each home features a country from around the world. We loved seeing souvenirs, maps, trying instruments and tasting foods from each country. This place is only open on Sundays and it’s free!
Puerto Rico
Czech Replubic
United States
Then we took the Hills to the Mormon Batallion. They loved it!
Tanner got sick and stayed home from school one day. We got to have lots of one on one time, and he soaked up every second of it.
We read stories, watched shows, ate yummy food, had a piano lesson, and made a playdo castle for Tanner’s lego people.
That evening, we stayed home while Jeremy took Dallin to a birthday party. Tanner did a drawing project.
Dallin and Jeremy had a great time celebrating with our friends at John’s incredible pizza!
The boys had a bunch of half days in November, so one day I took them to the zoo! We brought popcorn with us and ate it in line to get on the sky way thing. It was a beautiful day.
We did some yoga during Thanksgiving break. We really needed to get back into our zen. Lots of arguments and bad attitudes.
And we managed to visit cousin Andrew and Amy Davidson and their little ones, who just moved to Orange County. We had a yummy Greek meal with them at their home. Tanner and Dallin played so well with their little guy. The highlight of the evening was when all the grown-ups and kids played hide&seek together. We got really creative on where to hide. I jumped into an empty trash can, but soon discovered it had fresh grass clippings in it!! That was an uncomfortable 5 minutes, haha. Jeremy hid under the table by laying on the chairs, and since there was a table cloth, we couldn’t find him for a LONG time. 
Dallin was too big to pedal himself in this car. So his little cousin pushed him!
Jeremy took Tanner on a hike for some good bonding time.
Then it was time for Grandma Nana and Grandpa Papa to visit!! The boys were so excited. The grandparents stayed in a nearby hotel and were in town from Nov 26-Dec 1, which meant they were with us for Thanksgiving!! Grandpa treated us to the Air and Space Museum. We saw tons of airplanes, watched some cool shows in a 4D theatre, explored the space exhibits and did hands on activities in the learning labs. 
It rained a lot while the grandparents were here. Jeremy and the boys were really excited to investigate the water flow around our complex.
On Thanksgiving day, everybody helped get the food ready!
We had a nice feast!
My autumn casserolle turned out super yummy again, and so did the brussel sprouts.
Per tradition, we had a Mario Cart Tournament on our Super Nintendo after our Thanksgiving dinner. It was so funny watching Mom and Dad try to play against Tanner and Dallin. They all tried their very best, but in the end, Jeremy and I dominated everyone. That felt good since we are the generation of original Mario Cart players!

The next morning after Thanksgiving, Tanner remembered that we said everyone could have pie for breakfast. Tanner snuck downstairs and ate most of the pie before anyone else was awake and could have a chance to eat some. I caught him taking his last couple of bites. Almost immediately, he got a big tummy ache. Good ole’ Karma doing its thing!

Also on the day after Thanksgiving, we set up the Christmas tree and all of our Christmas decorations! The boys were really into it, and it was great to have the grandparents there to help us because we got everything set up in just a few hours.
Putting together the tree had to be done a couple times because Dallin and I didn’t hook up the pieces correctly. But it got put together just fine in the end. The switch for the Christmas lights on the tree was pretty busted. Grandpa helped us fix them by going to a hardware store to get a soldering kit and then soldered the wires back together!
Dallin liked playing with the electric train set. You can’t really tell in this picture, but he is playing with the controller.
Grandpa and Jeremy helped Dallin and Tanner put the star on the tree!
It fell off a couple moments after they put it up, so then Jeremy did it again.
Figuring out where to put all our decorations for our first Christmas in this house was really fun. After we were all done, our family room looked amazing!!
This is the beautiful nativity that Lilia and Manny gave us while they stayed at our home in Austin. I was so happy with how pretty it looked in this spot with the picture of Jesus!
On Saturday, we went to the BYU football game vs SDSU. This was Tanner and Dallin’s first  time ever attending a BYU football game. They were so excited. We had really good seats and Matt and Johanna joined us!
Tanner brought our BYU banner to cheer with!
Dallin got tired pretty early on in the game. He took turns cuddling on people’s laps.
We didn’t win, but our loyalty is true blue, through and through!
On Sunday after church, we took the grandparents to the Homes Around the World in Balboa Park. We got to see a few houses that we missed with Brian. The boys got their names written in Chinese! And we enjoyed all the snacks and treats again.
Then it was time to say goodbye to Nana and Papa. We did not want them to leave!