June was our one year mark of living in San Diego! The Jacaranda trees were in full blume to remind us of the weekend we moved here!
Boarding up for BLM protests after George Floyd was murdered.
I created some STEM activities for the boys.
Family clay art
We were very proud of our art. Notice our family flag and poster that Jeremy made awhile ago.
How we felt about the pandemic continuing into the summer.
Student initiated protest against racism. Such a neat expereince for us and our kids!
The other side of the poster said “We can work it out” from the Beatles song that I had taught all the kids. It seemed fitting for all the turmoil the nation was facing. There were over 400 people that participated.
This was the first time anyone from school was near school property doing the same thing. It felt so wierd, and that’s why a lot of people were taking pictures with friends.
I was strong enough to carry Dallin to bed one night after he fell asleep on my bed.
Helping Tanner with his final project for school. It was about Jaglions.
Dallin’s final project was a story about Loget. I took a lot of pictures because I was so proud he was getting really into the project. He really likes creative writing.
Swim test to join Jr lifegaurd camp. They passed!
Church collection of canned goods
The view Jeremy had before his morning meetings one day.
Playing with snap circuits
An animal burrow of somesort.
Last day of school, we got a visit from Dallin’s teacher! We loved having Mrs. Mellos!
I really enjoyed the Jacaranda trees.
Drive by Parade (aka reverse parade) for Tanner’s teacher, Mrs Honma. She was retiring.
More fun at the pool.
This fun gift from my parents has come in really handy this year!
Bike trouble
Digging holes for fort TOD
Picnic on our front lawn. It was so nice to have this table. By now were dieing to have new places to eat our meals.
Playtime at the private park.
Check out this tan!
Lazy Sunday afternoon, just trying to kill time.
Video call with Zavoral grandparents
The boys tried new features on our cameras
Online playdate with friends
I was sick a lot during June. I had recurring fevers (like 103) and a sinus infection. Jeremy forced me to get some fresh air one day.
Making shields for Fort TOD
I tried to keep things a little organized, esp while I was sick. Writing out a schedule seemed to help Jeremy and the boys for a few days.
Letters from our niece, Brooke, to the whole family!
While I was sick, Dallin kept me company a lot. He would come to give me hugs and bring me things and sing to me. It helped me so much.
These are the type of posts people were making all of June about systemic racism. I am in full support of posts like this that call those with white privilege into question. Really quite amazing to see thedynamics unfold of people who I know really well having a very hard time admitting that racism exists.
Dallin giving me a foot massage
Tanner is pulling Jeremy and Dallin with his bike while they sit on a longboard.
The boys discovered the band AJR and became obsessed. Here is a chart they made of their favorite songs.
This is what my music kits looked like that I used for online music camps.
We got me tested for Covid since I was continueing to feel miserable. It came back negative. I was sick for more than 4 weeks, off and on fevers and sinus pressure galore.
Getting books for story time.
Our kids went to a summer camp called Comic Camp. This meant Jeremy and I had a chance to go on a real date!
The boys loved comic camp. We are so grateful they kept the camp open for in person.
Playing catch before dinner.
Getting ready to go camping!
Jeremy made his own fire lighter bombs on the stove by melting crayon wax.
We met up with Jomatta for camping. It was so difficult during the whole summer to find places that were open for camping. Our original booking canceled on us the day before. We found this private site and made the most of it! First thing Tanner and Dallin did was show Johanna and Matt the amazing comic book the had made in their summer camp.
The boys were so happy to help Jomatta set up their tent.
We fed goats!
We tried to go fishing. No luck.
Our fire pit was the inside barrel of a washing machine. The light glowed through all the holes and looked really neat.
We made tin foil dinners. Johanna was the main ring leader for the meal. It was delicious.
Our smores turned out really good that night. Matt said they were the best he’s ever had!
Playing catch in the big field. After it got dark we played around with some light toys and watched the stars. The kids went to bed pretty well in the tent while we visited a little longer with Jomatta.
THe next day, we packed up and came home to celebrate Tanner’s birthday. We had a blast. (I will blog more about that in the next post.) We were so glad to be able to spend the weekend with these two awesome people!
Our last two days of June were pretty low key!