
Here is a photo dump from July 8 to July 25, 2018. 
For this post I will simply write the location that the pictures were taken.
Hormel Historic Home Peace Garden
SPAM Museum
Front Yard
Back Yard
School Lunch at Austin High School
Campsite, Lake Luis State Park, MN
Home Library (waving to the boys camping)
The desk

Garage- bike repairs
Hormel Historic Home, with Jack and Kitty
School lunch at IJ Holton
Music Make & Take Class, Riverland classroom
Courtyard, IJ Holton
Red Park, family bike ride and basket ball game
My bedroom floor
Church field
Back Yard
Family Room, Dallin jumping and running while watching Jeremy play Super Mario
Park across the street- 
Dallin learned how to ride a two wheeler! We knew he was ready, but he wasn’t so sure. Jeremy took the training wheels off, and Dallin tried for two seconds and gave up. I bribed him with TV time in exchange for 10 minutes of trying, which worked. I showed him how to balance with his feet off the wheels. The next day we tried again for about 10-20 minutes. On the third day, it clicked at the park and he was off! He just had trouble getting going and stopping. On the fourth day, he was a champ at pushing himself off and stopping. He rode around the park loop for about 3 or 4 miles. Everyone at the park commented on how good he was, how confident, energetic and proud he was! We were so proud of him. It was also fun to see Tanner cheering him on!
Dining Room- Summer home school
City Baseball Game for Tanner at Riverland
Hormel Corporate Office with the Stanley Cup