This post captures our everyday happenings of waiting for spring to come this year! April 2- May 17.
Building something with Alainea.
Working out in the basement.
That’s Alainea and Tanner shoveling.
These three kids created a circus for us! Alianea made tickets and assigned seats for us. They had preplanned acts and songs. They had so much fun doing it that they did 2 or 3 more circuses for us over the next few weeks.
Dallin at daycare across the hall from one of the preschools I teach at. It’s so fun to see him several times a week while I work.
I took Tanner out for ice cream, just him and me. It was really great to spend time with him alone.
Then on a different day, I took Dallin on an ice cream date with just him and me! Fun to have special time alone with each of my kids.
Such a sweet kid. I took a picture because he had a really hard day with worries and struggles, and seeing him finally asleep and relaxed was so relieving to my weary heart.
Dallin went through a bubble phase! All he wanted for bath night was bubble baths!!
Anytime Dallin is hungry, he gets himself food. Sometimes it’s annoying becuase he doesn’t put the food away or he’ll spill or he’ll eat something right before dinner. But most of the time, it’s AWESOME. I won’t even know that he got something to eat because he just gets up and gets food without whining and begging. He’s just a super self reliant kid. I absolutely love it!
Family cuddle time! We succeeded in getting a selfie where everyone was touching everyone else.
Jeremy and Tanner worked really hard for several Saturdays and weekdays to clean and seal the grout on our tile floors. It took a lot of elbow grease, but made a big difference in the end!
Deer came to visit after a storm.
This is part of Jeremy’s bike bath through a tunnel to work. It hadn’t been shoveled yet, but he was still able to make it through with his special bike tires. Can you see his bike tracks in the snow?
I’m pretty sure school was canceled on this day. We did a STEM project to enjoy our time together.
Tanner succeeded in making his tower taller than 8 inches!
What can I say, I really love pictures of my sleeping boys. I took a lot of pictures of Dallin napping because I knew his napping times were coming to an end.
Lots of heavy snow!
This snow pile comes from the street of downtown. It gets shoveled into dumptrucks and the trucks take it to this dumping ground. It takes a couple months for it to all melt in the summer. We pass the pile everyday on the way to and from Woodson. I stopped by to show the boys how big it is up close. That’s Tanner waving in his snow gear.
Dallin is wearing a jacket that Jeremy wore as a kid. It has Jeremy’s name embroidered on it, done by Great Grandma Davidson!
Tanner’s school had a juggling group come visit. It was actually a group of kids from Alainea’s school, so Alainea was there too!! She showed Tanner and friends how to do some tricks. Parents aren’t allowed to come to this assembly, but I got to watch in between music classes that I was teaching.
Tractor ride at Warrior Wagons fundraiser.
We enjoyed a beautiful baptism of a friend one Saturday morning in April (not pictured). Then we headed over to the Taste of Nations event at National Gaurd Armory. We took Tolise and Alainea with us.
I got to do square dancing!! I’m the girl in the navy striped shirt on the right.
Alainea and the boys put on another circus for us! They increased their ticket price and added new routines.
The boys wanted face paint one day, so I comvinced them it would be easier and last longer if we did it on their arms. I did TNMT on Tanner.
And we turned Dallin into his favorite animal.
Idk what Tanner is doing in these pictures, but he sure is cute.
Playing baseball.
And I am in sandals!! These are my super comfy ones that I bought on amazon.
Climbers! And can you see the maple buds getting ready to blossom?
Jeremy got a microscope for an early father’s day gift.
I made sure to eat lunch with Tanner and Dallin during my lunch breaks as often as I could this Spring. I even got to do lunch with Jeremy a couple times! We took a nice nature walk by the corporate office.
Garage sale! I was so excited to get rid of junk.
BBQ at the Gabrielsons. Alainea came with us!
I got to be a parent helper on Dallin’s field trip to Super Fresh Nursery.
Why is there a kid eating a popcicle in my room?!
Jeremy’s softball season started. The little boys played on an empty field with their friend, waiting for their daddies to finish.
I helped host another succesful event at the HHH. This one was called History at Play Day. Very easy to plan, and special fun for everyone.
Tanner LOVED the burlap sewing at the event, he was excited to make one that was different from his field trip there. (I’ll discuss his field trip in another post).
Here’s a picture from Mother’s Day. The boys made me sweet cards.
FINALLY spring blossoms on the apple tree! May 17.