Easter with Nana & Papa

Grandpa Papa and Grandma Nana came to visit us for Easter, which was on Sunday April 1. It was a beautiful week before the rest of the snow came. We had a great time with our visitors and a beautiful Easter celebrating the life and Resurrection of our Savior!! We were able to continue a lot of traditions that Jeremy and I started when Tanner was a baby that help us focus on the true meaning of Easter and help make it a super special time of year.
We enjoyed a walk at the nature center.
Thursday, per tradition, we served Feast of the Passover. The lamb turned out AMAZING this time.
We ate Jerusalem style on pillows and lower tables. Jeremy played ancient Jewish music to help set the mood. We talked about each dish of food and what it symbolized.
Good Friday we got Hot Cross Buns from Super Fresh.
After Hot Cross Buns, we took the Gparents to the National Eagle Center in  Wabashaw.
The grandparents loved it.
Lunch was super yummy at a little sandwich joint.
We missed the eagle show both times, but got to have extra time to explore the museum.
Dallin was so goofy during these pictures.
Lark Toy Store was also a big hit! I think the grandparents liked it a little more than the boys.
On Saturday morning, we attended church for the solemn assembly where we sustained our new prophet Russell M Nelson. The meeting was braodcast to our buildng from SLC. We could have watched it from home, but we were encouraged to attend at the church. I’m really glad we did because the boys paid very close attention to what was going on.
Dallin was super goofy in all our pictures this week, what a funny kid!
Saturday evening, we continued the tradition of making Easter rice crispy scultpures.
The tomb by SL and Dallin
Easter Egg and fish that Jesus ate.
Easter Morning!! Grandpa made a special hunt for the boys to find their Easter baskets.
We kept the goodies in the baskets very simple and minimal this year because we have too much stuff!
We made Resurrection Rolls
Dallin is listening to the apostle Dallin H Oaks and filling in his bingo chart with jelly beans.
This Easter carrot cake was intersting. Not my favorite, but it was a fun experiment.
My dad and I sang Easter songs together!
Sunday Easter meal, per tradition, was fish with honey sauce and yummy vegetables. Jeremy BBQ’d the salmon. I made a yummy honey chutney sauce for it.
The boys loved story time with Grandma.
Tanner wrote a long letter to Papa and Nana several weeks before they arrived. One side had the letter…”Dear Gramma and Grampa, welcm bac! Are you having a good day today? I am glad thet it is Easter! Are you glad? I am so happy that you two are her and I am so happy that it is almoste egg hunting, i hope thet we finde a lot of egs. I bet we wil. I can remembr the last time you came her. Are you happy thet it is Easter time! I love you!”
The other side had this fun decoration with pop-up jokes!
“Grandpa, you will trip on this trip, ok?”
“Grama you are doing all of the cooking!”